
The Importance of Waterproofing
Moisture in the basement is costly, unhealthy, and destructive. Waterproofing can be addressed both from the exterior and interior of your home. Access via the exterior is the best method to get to the root of the problem; however, when this is not an option, interior waterproofing is able to seal out moisture.
Using our Wal-Tech pioneered technologies we help you achieve a moisture-free basement at a reasonable cost. We diagnose, and fix leaky, damp basements, guaranteeing all our waterproofing work. As Southern Ontario’s basement waterproofing specialists we’ve given countless homeowners a new space they can use safely, and reliably, within their homes.
Crack Repair
As a home or business owner, finding a structural crack in your foundation can be devastating and a very costly repair. Despite their strong, concrete make up, over time foundations can shift, expand, and contract, due to changes in temperature and moisture in the soil. These cracks can present as a visible line in your foundation, water coming in from the crack, or both, and at this time it must be addressed in order to prevent further damage. If unaddressed a foundational crack can lead to:
- Seepage and extensive damage to a finished basement, including drywall, carpet, etc
- Mold issues
- Damage to HVAC systems and appliances
Weeping Tile and Waterproofing Go to Diagram >
Weeping tile is the porous piping found underground for water collection and discharge. Generally, weeping tile (also known as drain tile or perimeter tile) is used to prevent surface and groundwater from entering or damaging building foundations. Most issues with weeping tiles become evident during heavy rainfall and inclement weather, and are susceptible to recurring problems if left unchecked. If the weeping tiles around your home become clogged or damaged a number of potential issues may follow, ultimately rendering your basement useless:
- Instances with the furnace re-circulating moldy, musty air
- Damage to basement appliances
Sump Pumps Service Request
Sump pumps are used to remove accumulated water in a water-collecting sump basin, generally found in house basements. Designed to move excess groundwater away from your home, sump pump systems should undergo annual preventative maintenance to ensure they are in proper working order. Wal-Tech Drainage provides the option for annual maintenance checks to this key component of your drainage system, ensuring your home is actively ejecting groundwater back outside, and is properly promoting positive drainage for your system.
Backwater Valves
A backwater valve is a preventative device designed to block the sewer from backing up into your basement. During normal use the valve remains open; however, during a storm event, the valve closes to prevent a surge of outbound water – or back flow – from entering your basement, thereby preventing a flood. Wal-Tech installs and services backwater valves to ensure your basement is protected from flooding.